Monday to Friday
From 8.30 am to 6.00pm

+(44) 207 700 5010

Villa Framing offer our clients a comprehensive range of services. Each aspect of which is based on years of high level experience with leading artists, dealers, collectors and galleries around the world. Leonard Villa has assembled and in many cases trained a team of superb crafts-people to meet his exacting standards. From initial consultation with the client, the whole process is under Lenny's watchful eye. The careful and sympathetic choice of frame is often the result of trial and rejection until the desired look is achieved.

Once approved the slow meticulous process begins. The moulding elements of the frame are assembled and then prepared for painting or gilding.

Often the frames are aged or distressed if required. The aim is for handmade perfection not a machine finish. This is the essence of a Villa Frame. Rian Kundruth our gilder and conservator also restores important works of art and frames. She has 25 years experience at the highest level.

Our contemporary frames have a crisp and precise finish. Lenny invented the folded edge perspex frame as well as the edge-lit coloured perspex frame much favoured by Andy Warhol. To this day Lenny continues his innovative ways with the work he does for controversial contemporary artists.